Over the years I have taught several hairstyles for 16th century Italy at different SCA collegiums and wars. I'm happy to bring you a style that I figured out to go with my historical cosplay of Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. The hair style takes historical inspiration from several Medici portraits by Allesandro Allori. The detail in the video is of Isabelle di Cosimo between 1555-1558. Currently the portrait is in the Kunshistorisches Museum in Vienna. The same portrait is called Maria de Medici when searching Wikipedia. It is common to see this style from the 1550s through the 1580s in Florence, with some variations. I will not be adding hair jewelry to this particular style because my Belle cosplay is more of a working class aesthetic. To complete this hairstyle you will need 4 ribbon segments 16-18 inches long depending on the thickness of your braids. I used silk satin ribbon 1 1/4 inches wide. I usually purchase this from vendors at events or through www.renaissancefabric.com. You will also need some cord to tie off your braids or modern hair ties, a hair bodkin or large yarn needle, a comb, and a few u pins if you find them helpful. Before doing this tutorial you will need to be comfortable with making 3-strand braids. I'm wearing a Florentine styled square neck camicia edged in black lace, and a Turkish-styled dressing gown. These gowns were growing in popularity in the 16th century as lounge wear for the upper classes. Titian specifically paints several Venetian woman in similar outfits which would have been considered very racy in the 16th century.